Bed Aerobics Fitness Flow (BAFF) is a “no-excuses” bed exercise system that helps to improve flexibility, build strength, increase mobility and burn fat --all from the comfort, convenience and privacy of your very own bed.

  • Under a medical professionals care, BAFF is for practically anyone -- no matter age, gender, size or fitness level! However, BAFF is specifically geared to improve health outcomes for seniors or any individual with limited mobility due to a variety of health issues including chronic joint pain, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, even as muscle recovery exercise following strenuous workouts and can be modified as a healthy workout for women in pre/post-natal care under doctor supervision.

  • Essentially “BAFF” combines biblically inspired powerful affirmations each of which are integrated strategically within the series of 18 steps, consisting of calisthenics, resistance and flexibility style exercises that are linked in one smooth, continuous flow of motion. BAFF begins with a delightful facial muscle toning warmup and concludes with a relaxing “cool-down” meditation for a total body, mind & spirit rejuvenation.

    Note: The affirmations are 100% voluntary. You do not necessarily have to recite the affirmations to achieve great benefit from the exercises --or you can choose your own positive affirmation!

  • BAFF is Low – Moderate intensity exercise program that is cross between a gentle stretch routine on the low intensity level (60 – 70% of MHR) and dancing on the moderate intensity level where maximum heart rate (MHR) is between 70 – 80%. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, MHR is primary fat burning mode. Overall, the intensity of BAFF is based on the number of repetitions (“reps”) completed in each of the 18 steps and speed at which those reps are performed. Because of this, the time for completion of the workout will vary based on the reps/speed and physical ability/preference of the practitioner. On average the length of time it would take to complete all of the steps at 6-8 reps per step at a low - moderate pace, including (facial exercises/meditation) is about 30 - 45 minutes. BAFF includes the four exercise categories recommended by the American Heart Association for a balanced workout--strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance.

  • BAFF was specifically developed to be completed on the surface of a moderately firm mattress in a routine that would be supportive of the body structurally, yet gentle on the joints. BAFF has been endorsed by Dr. Jeffrey Chow, Director of Physical Therapy at Physical Therapy of Harlem.

Hear From Healthy Participants!

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you – start BAFFing today!